Julia Goldstein • 2023-10-20
Olympic Lifts and functional movements can help you become your best self.
At Put It Up, we take a structured approach to our strength training, prioritizing it 3x a week. There are SO many health benefits to strength training, we can’t ignore it’s integral part in helping us prioritize our health as we age. Here are five benefits of strength training on a regular basis.
MUSCLE=FUNCTIONALITY: Typically after age 30, our muscle mass decreases each year if we’re not actively working on it. Why is this a problem? We NEED muscle mass for daily tasks and to live our best lives. Playing with our grandkids, lifting a bag of dog food, or going to the bathroom all require muscle mass. Muscle is one of the best tools we have to hedge the negative effects of aging.
PROGRESSION AND TECHNIQUE REFINEMENT: In order to see progress with strength work, we need lots of repetition and progression, often referred to as progressive overload. By performing the same movements multiple weeks in a row, we stress our body via lifting heavy weights, and it adapts to get stronger. Additionally, by practicing the same movement pattern for multiple weeks in a row our body, brain, and nervous system all get more accustomed to that movement. Making us more efficient and helping us build better movement quality and strength.
BODY COMPOSITION AND BONE HEALTH: Most of us are striving to look and feel our best. Muscle is the key ingredient to having the physique most of us strive for, built and toned. More muscle=our outward appearance matching our inward goals of prioritizing our health. Additionally, by stressing our muscles, joints, and bones with external loads all of those areas get stronger. Creating protection for us against many of the random things in life that can cause injury and lack of functionality.
BETTER METABOLISM: One of the key components to how many calories we burn throughout the day is called our Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). One key factor to having a higher BMR is muscle mass. More muscle=more food needed even at rest. By putting in time to build and maintain our muscle mass we are boosting our metabolism and ability to burn calories at rest. This will make maintaining our body composition as we age that much more attainable.
ENJOYMENT AND ACCOMPLISHMENT: Few things in life make you feel more hardcore than lifting heavy weights. Weightlifting is a parallel to growth in our lives. We have stressors, we fight through them, recover, and then get stronger from them. Weightlifting allows our body to become more resilient and durable in this thing called life.
Strength training should be a part of any well rounded exercise protocol. It pays dividends to invest in our strength and will enhance our lives forever.